Thursday, April 25, 2013

in the land of Narnia

Hello my name is Morgan and I have never read the Narnia Chronicles.

but I've watched the movies!
Does that count?

anyway I'm wondering if anyone has heard if another Narnia movie is supposed to be coming out?
I've heard maybe the next one might be the Magician's Nephew I'm not sure on it but all the book lovin' fans out there will be happy to know I have started the Magician's Nephew and plan to read all the rest of the books in order. 
Katie and my brothers have read all of them and keep telling me I need to .
So yesterday I picked one up and started reading and......
 it is sooo good! 
Let me tell you though Uncle Andrew is creepy.
If the are planning on making the Magicians Nephew Katie thinks Christopher Lloyd needs to be him.
We've seen him in the Pagemaster and heard him play Radagast in Disney's Anastasia and he seems to always be always playing an eccentric shall we say? So she thinks the part will be perfect for him.

All I want is for the movie to come out soon around Christmas maybe?

*My Favorite quote from the book. *

That’s all you know,” said Digory. “It’s because you’re a girl. Girls never want to know anything but gossip and rot about people getting engaged.”
“You looked exactly like your Uncle when you said that,” said Polly.


  1. Yes, yes, yes!!! You must read the books! =] They are just as good, if not a little better, than the movies. And I LOVE the movies. I do not know if they are planning another movie, but I do hope so!

  2. I love the Narnia books and movies! :D I would love for them to make another movie. I just love everything about Narnia. C.S. Lewis is probably my favorite writer. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting, Morgan! :)

    God bless,
    Joy :)

  3. Hello, Morgan!

    Just wanted to let you know, I've tagged you over at my blog!

  4. The books are definitely better than the movies, it's well worth you while to sit and read every single one. C.S. Lewis was a truly great writer. I haven't checked on the movie speculation lately but it seems like that's come to a halt due to the last one (VTDT) not being a very big box office hit. So funds and the usual stuff probably caused issues.


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